Best G-Tube Tricks and Tips

We’ve got ours, you’ve got yours. We polled the StomaStoma family and asked you all to share the best g-tube tips and tricks you’ve come across on your journey!  Read on to see what could help you along the way or share in the comments below some tricks of the trade you have discovered.

“Rinse syringes with water (and sometimes water & vinegar) to keep longer instead of soapy water. Taking off the extension tubing to protect stoma from granulation or irritation. Using a hummingbird feeder pipe cleaner to clean syringes & caps.” @hi_stomastoma

“Our lil’ guy is pretty gassy and can get pretty irritable/distended, so we’ll leave the extension connected, open it up and wrap it in a diaper for easy venting.” @dwillofthe9

“We use Egyptian Magic cream around kiddos site as needed- looks amazing. Never any granulation issues.” @sarahhmikel

‘We just heard about Granulotion ( from our Dr to treat granulation tissue at home & it works great! It cleared up a big granulation my daughter had.... bonus it’s not harsh like silver nitrate.” @mamaofwarriorgirls

“If you have an infinity pump : google “modify infinity pump bag” - to prevent the bag from ever clogging (you just cut off a little plastic part on the bag).” @phoenix_thefighter 

“Use slip tip syringes and there’s no need to use extension. Cotton G tube pads really help with granulation tissue and irritation around the site and they are super cute too. Buy syringes from the squirrel and they last so long. You can even put them in the dishwasher.” @theleggfam

“Gerber graduates makes twist cap with a straw in it that twists on to those go go food packs for kids. Then you link the straw to the bolus extension and you can just squeeze the go go pack straight In at your own rate if you just want a quick snack. I found the hack on pinterest and it works awesome!” @tchatmon16

"When we switched to a blended diet squeasy bottles saved our life! Tube end fit right to the top.” @missiemcgovern

“Interdry as a dressing! It wicks away moisture and is antimicrobial and anti fungal.” @kimspired



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